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Messi, “All Star”

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18.09.2010 12:53

Messi, “All Star”

Leo Messi was presented with a personalised number 10 Lakers shirt before training this morning, coinciding with the presence of the Campus Bàsquet Sense Fronteres at the Ciutat Esportiva.

The Campus has been set up for the 50 best young European players, who are receiving training from NBA players and coaches. NBA international operations vice-president Kim Bohuny is attending the campus and made the presentation to Messi.

Personalised shirt

2010-09-18_ENTRENO_01.JPGThe Lakers shirt, with Messi’s name and number 10 inscribed was presented on behalf of the Lakers and the NBA as a whole and given to Messi, who is a big fan of the NBA, on the training pitch just before this morning’s session began.

Regal Barca-Lakers

2010-09-18_ENTRENO_05.JPGKim Bohuny expressed his disappointment that Messi would be unable to attend in person the game between Regal FC Barcelona and the Lakers at the Palau Sant Jordi on October 7th. The Argentinean will be on international duty in Japan the following day.
Messi, “All Star”

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Open invitation
Mr Bohuny extended an invitation to Leo to come along to any NBA game he liked when he was in the States.

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