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Whole squad travels to Levante

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10.05.2011 12:45

Whole squad travels to Levante

Marc Guillén / Vanessa Forns

With Barça potentially about to win the league title, Josep Guardiola, as always when there is a trophy in sight, has called on his full squad and coaching staff to make the journey to Valencia.

Whole squad travels to Levante

Everybody will be at Levante. Just one point would be enough to win the third league title in a row, and that is assuming Madrid win their game on Tuesday. So the manager would like everybody to be there to enjoy the special moment.

Last session before travelling

2011-05-10_ENTRENO_07.JPGOn Tuesday, the squad gathered at 11.00 at the Ciutat Esportiva Joan Gamper for a pre-match training session behind closed doors. This was the last time they will train before travelling south.

Only Milito, who is getting treatment, was missing. Puyol and Adriano worked in isolation, while Bojan and Maxwell, who were both declared fit on Monday, trained as normal. The team was also joined by Barça B’s Bartra and Thiago, who were named in last weekend’s squad for the Espanyol match.

Travel plan

2011-05-10_ENTRENO_18.JPGOn Wednesday, the team will meet on the Camp Nou forecourt at 10.00 and from there will be transferred to El Prat Airport, where they will be taking a flight at 11.00. They should touch down in Valencia around 11.45, from where they will be taken to their hotel, where they will rest until it is time to go to the Ciutat de València, where the game with Levante kicks off at 20.00.

When the game is over, the players will fly back to Barcelona, hopefully as league champions, and will get to El Prat at around 00.15.

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