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News article on: Internationals programmes

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Image associated to news article on:  Unicef programmes

Unicef programmes

• Unicef and Fundació FC Barcelona will be producing an annual joint “work plan” that will include all of the programmes to be run and the associated budgets.

• The programmes will involve activities addressed at the most vulnerable children, and especially those at risk of social exclusion, mainly in Africa, Latin America and Asia. The first programme will be in Swaziland (2007).

• The work plan will offer an integrated overview covering such aspects as protection, education, health, access to drinking water and sport and leisure activities, as well as the right social and emotional development of children.

• Two people will be named as being in charge of producing this plan, which will be revised and approved by the respective Managements and two people in charge of undertaking and monitoring the programme.

• The Unicef head offices will support the National Committees of the USA, United Kingdom and Japan and the Indian and Chinese Offices in the development of the partnership.

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