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News article on: International programmes: Other collaborations

Image associated to news article on:  Fundació Samuel Eto'o

Fundació Samuel Eto'o

Collaboration agreement between Fundació FC Barcelona - Fundació Samuel Eto'o

The two foundations have signed a collaboration agreement by which they will work together for the benefit of the most vulnerable children in Cameroon, in particular, and Africa in general, where so many young people are at risk of social exclusion. In this sense, the two parties have agreed to actively collaborate in the implementation of an integral programme that will use sport, football and, especially, support in the form of education, health care and psychosocial care to children at risk, especially in the most deprived parts of Cameroon. The Fundació FC Barcelona is committed to providing institutional, financial, media and logistic support that can help make the projects being carried out by the Fundació Samuel Eto'o in Africa a reality.. 

The agreement was signed in person by President Joan Laporta and the player, Samuel Eto'o, in the president’s office. Laporta said he hoped that "this will be the starting signal for many more agreements.” Samuel Eto'o, meanwhile, was very grateful for the club’s collaboration because “we can make millions of boys and girls happy” before adding that “FC Barcelona is a club with a huge heart ".

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