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News article on: Internationals programmes: Other collaborations

Image associated to news article on:  Fundació Edmílson

Fundació Edmílson

Solidarity programme in the town of Taquaritinga

The two foundations will be actively collaborating in the implementation of a programme in the centre that the Fundació Edmílson is building in Taquaritinga (Brazil). Sport, and football in particular, will be used to support education, health care, nutrition and psychosocial aid among some of the most vulnerable children in Brazil.

The agreement will last for four years and FC Barcelona, through its Foundation, will be providing financial aid during the four years of development of the project, as well as offering information and logistical assistance to future programmes. It will also be providing support for the Fundació Edmílson as part of the 'International Network of Solidarity Centres' (XICS) that Barça is promoting in different countries like Argentina, Cameroon, Morocco and Senegal.

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