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News article on: Internationals programmes: Other collaborations

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The solidarity initiative 'Teaming', which has the support of the Fundació del FC Barcelona, aims to provide financial aid to any charity cause through mini-donations.

How 'Teaming' works

'Teaming' is not a Non Governmental Organisation or a company. It is simply an idea that seeks to help the disfavoured. A way of 'Teaming' in a company is for employees to donate just 1 euro from their payslips. Together, they decide what worthy cause they are going to give the money to. So, 'Teaming' is a way of turning an insignificant, symbolic amount (as is just 1 euro) into a considerably large and valuable amount, once all the mini-donations are added up.

'Teaming' is also about being enthusiastic and showing will. That is why it is so important for this initiative to be as widely-known as possible and for as many people as possible to appreciate its social function. Then, it is a simply a matter of signing an acceptance document that shows that everybody agrees with the initiative and for the donators to decide among themselves where the money should go. Finally, you just have to tell the company itself that people wish to give a part of their salaries to a charity cause and sponsor a project.

Barça manager Frank Rijkaard, who came along to the presentation of the idea, recognised that the Barça players are already aware of the initiative. “We have presented the idea to the captains and their reaction has been enthusiastic” he said. “I think Barça can set an example". Rijkaard likes the idea that ‘Teaming’ has turned to Barça for support and went on to compare team spirit to the initiative. “Everybody who takes part are main benefactors even though they only give a little. You get nothing done alone, you need people to help ".

How did 'Teaming' start?

'Teaming' was the idea of Dutchman Jil van Eyle. When his daughter Monica was born a haemophiliac, Jil made contact with a series of foundations. Despite the good will of many centres, Jil noticed problems in the way things were managed and started proposing the idea of different companies working in different ways to support foundations. The organisation was so complicated that he reached the conclusion that the world could be changed by making small mini-donations from people’s salaries, and that was how the initiative was born, one that now needs to be consolidated among as many companies as possible. 

For more information: www.teaming.info

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