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27.06.2007 13:43

Navarro gets Euro call up


The Winterthur Barça shooting guard has been named in the Spanish squad to play at the European Championships. Jordi Trias has also been named as one of three potential last minute inclusions.

Spanish head coach, José Vicente Hernández, has named his twelve players for the 2007 European Championship, which Spain hosts from September 3 to 16. The core of side will be the same one that was proclaimed world champions in Japan last year. One of the stars of that tournament was Joan Carles Navarro, Barças’ only certain representative. However with Jorge Garbajosa struggling with an ankle injury, there is a good chance that Barça’s Jordi Trias, MVP in this season’s Spanish Cup, will be rewarded for an excellent year with a place in the definitive squad.

Vázquez left out

‘Pepu’ Hernández has also picked Winterthur Barça’s Marc Gasol, who is currently on loan to Girona, but has surprisingly decided not to take Fran Vázquez.

Barça presence

Euro 2007 will include plenty of other Barça stars, for apart from Navarro and maybe Trias, other Winterthur Barça expected to attend are Mihalis Kakiouzis (Greece), Denis Marconato and Gianluca Basile (Italy), Roko Leni Ukic and Mario Kasun (Croatia) and Jaka Lakovic (Slovenia).
Navarro gets Euro call up
Spain’s squad of twelve
Guards: Carlos Cabezas, José Manuel Calderón and Sergio Rodríguez.

Forwards: Rudy Fernádez, Carlos Jiménez, Àlex Mumbrú, Joan Carles Navarro and Berni Rodríguez.

Centres: Marc Gasol, Pau Gasol, Felipe Reyes and Jorge Garbajosa.

Reserves: Mario Bruno Fernández (guard), Jordi Trias (centre) and Víctor Claver (pivot).

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