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Statistics 2011-12

League statistics
Typestats ???
Games played 0
Games won 0
Games drawn 0
Games lost 0
Games started 0
Games as substitute 0
Games replaced 0
Minutes played 0
Minutes as a starter 0
Minutes as a substitute 0
Goals for 0
Goals as a starter 0
Goals as a substitute 0
Headed goals 0
Goals from direct free kicks 0
Goals from penalties 0
Assists 0
Assists 0
Shots 0
Shots wide 0
Shots on goal 0
Shots against the woodwork 0
Offsides 0
Yellow cards 0
Yellow cards caused 0
Red cards 0
Red card for two bookings 0
Red Cards caused 0
Fouls committed 0
Fouls received 0
Corners 0
Balls won back 0
Balls lost 0
Penalties saved 0
Penalties given away 0
Champions League statistics
Champions League
Typestats ???
Games played 0
Games won 0
Games drawn 0
Games lost 0
Games started 0
Games as substitute 0
Games replaced 0
Minutes played 0
Minutes as a starter 0
Minutes as a substitute 0
Goals for 0
Goals as a starter 0
Goals as a substitute 0
Headed goals 0
Goals from direct free kicks 0
Goals from penalties 0
Assists 0
Assists 0
Shots 0
Shots wide 0
Shots on goal 0
Shots against the woodwork 0
Offsides 0
Yellow cards 0
Yellow cards caused 0
Red cards 0
Red card for two bookings 0
Red Cards caused 0
Fouls committed 0
Fouls received 0
Corners 0
Balls won back 0
Balls lost 0
Penalties saved 0
Penalties given away 0
Spanish Cup statistics
Spanish Cup
Typestats ???
Games played 0
Games won 0
Games drawn 0
Games lost 0
Games started 0
Games as substitute 0
Games replaced 0
Minutes played 0
Minutes as a starter 0
Minutes as a substitute 0
Goals for 0
Goals as a starter 0
Goals as a substitute 0
Headed goals 0
Goals from direct free kicks 0
Goals from penalties 0
Assists 0
Assists 0
Shots 0
Shots wide 0
Shots on goal 0
Shots against the woodwork 0
Offsides 0
Yellow cards 0
Yellow cards caused 0
Red cards 0
Red card for two bookings 0
Red Cards caused 0
Fouls committed 0
Fouls received 0
Corners 0
Balls won back 0
Balls lost 0
Penalties saved 0
Penalties given away 0

The concept of playing time includes the minutes played in injury time.

Stats provided by Optasports.

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