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40th Anniversary of the Penya d’Arenys de Munt

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06.11.2008 15:52

40th Anniversary of the Penya d’Arenys de Munt

On the same day as the All Saints ‘catstanyada’ celebrations, the Penya Barcelonista d’Arenys de Munt celebrated 40 years of existence.

Inauguration of new headquarters and debate

The Penya d’Arenys de Munt used their anniversary as the occasion to inaugurate their new headquarters provided by the town council. The event involved cutting the ribbons by the authorities in attendance: Alfons Godall, Julio Alberto, Pere Jané, Ramon Alfonseda, President of the Agrupació Barça de Veterans, the Mayor of Arenys Carles Mora, and the President of the local supporters club and also the delegate to the Consell Consultiu de Penyes for the Maresme region, Pere Campí.

The group then took their seats for a debate that started with the chair asking vice-president Alfons Godall and mayor Carles Mora to issue a welcome to the guests.
Alfons Godall was delighted by the pictures of the players on the walls, and especially one of Guardiola, who he described as the “living history of the club”, and said how impressed he was with the cosy ambience in the new clubhouse.
The mayor spoke about the supporter’s club’s history and 50 years of loyalty to the team colours. He spoke about the deep-rooted sentiments that are carried on the coaches the club organises for trips to the stadium.

This was followed by a debate about Barça. The club representatives and other guests were chaired, as a long discussion developed regarding the current affairs regarding the club. Alfons Godall, speaking about the time Rikjaard was coach, said it had been a highly positive era that had ended on a sour note, but that he preferred to remember the good times. He said a new era had begun and that people needed to stay humble and wait for things to be consolidated under Pep Guardiola. IMG_1097.jpgThe two former players at the table, Julio Alberto and Ramon Alfonseda also spoke about the rotation system. They explained how in their days they had only played about half as many games as teams have to play nowadays, and that is why rotations are so important. 

Fellowship supper

Restaurant l’Era d’Arenys was the venue for the anniversary supper. With Rudy Ventura in attendance, it involved some emotional moments, with everybody made to feel welcome by Pere Campí, the President of the host club and local delegate to the Advisory Council, and the recognition of one of the founders of the same club, who is now 95 years old. As an anecdote, this senior citizen explained the problems they faced in getting the club off the ground, for the club has always been based on strong Catalan sentiments, which given the political situation at the time, was not an easy thing to do. IMG_1103.jpg
The day ended with the traditional exchange of gifts and speeches. 

40th Anniversary of the Penya d’Arenys de Munt
Tribute to Cesc Fabregas
The supporters club also paid tribute to Cesc Fabregas, who was born in the town. The Arsenal player’s mother, grandparents and sister collected a gold insignia and honorary club membership card for town’s biggest football hero.

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